Once you are ready, it is time to convert the image into an icon mosaic. This is really easy. Just select 'Iconify !' from the File menu, or click on the Iconify button right below in the Iconify window.
A window will appear asking you in what folder the icons should be put. Be sure to select an empty folder. Or at least a folder where there are no other icons made by Iconifier yet. If you do select a 'bad' folder, an appropriate error window will appear.
Since version 3.0, the icons are assembled automatically in the choosen folder. It is best not to rescale the window in the finder while work is going on. Also, switching to the finder while the process is been done, can cause bad icons, or wrong-placed icons. If you should have bad (placed) icons, just remake them with the Try feature described below, or use the puzzle feature described later.
To stop the iconifying proces, just click stop in the process window that appears.
Note : The info window.
In the iconifier there also is a small window with the caption 'Info'. This will show you the dimensions of the image being worked with, in icons. Remember, one icon equals to 32 pixels. The values inside the Info window can come in handy when you have to use the puzzler (see next page).